ADMOVI GmbH Приложения

iSayHello Italian - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.**************La parola giusta sempre al momento giusto con iSayHello, ilvocabolario da viaggio e il trainer vocale con un eccellenteriproduzione audio, utilizzabile offline e pronunciatoprofessionalmente da madrelingua. Adesso inclusivo del tool ditraduzioni aggiuntivo.Uno spontaneo flirt in vacanza o un bagaglio perso – questecircostanze spesso vi lasciano spesso senza parole. Il vocabolarioda viaggio parlante offre nuova libertà di parola a coloro chedesiderano rimanere tranquilli in tali situazioni e non rimanere acorto di parole.iSayHello con le espressioni pronunciate da madrelingua aiutanon soltanto nell’imparare la corretta pronuncia – la gestioneintuitiva e la chiara suddivisione in 11 compatte lezioni, oltrealla possibilità di far parlare per voi smartphone, fa sí cheriusciate a farvi capire all’estero.Inoltre iSayHello é stato dotato di un tool di traduzione onlineche si basa su Google Translate. In questo modo si possonovelocemente e tradurre singole parole o intere frasi comodamente.Un menù o un cartello stradale nella lingua del luogo? Adesso nonc’è più alcun problema.Le traduzioni possono anche essere inviate direttamente per SMSo e-mail!Le caratteristiche di iSayHello:+ 11 lezioni con le più importanti espressioni per le vacanze eper il viaggio, utilizzabile offline e quindiindipendentemente!+ la più alta qualitá e professionalità con una riproduzionelinguistica natuale!+ tutti i testi vengono pronunciati da madrelingua e possono essereriprodotti!+ semplice utilizzazione da parte dell’utente!+ le frasi più utilizzate sempre a portata di mano con la funzione„favoriti“!+ Tool di traduzione aggiuntivo per frasi brevi e semplici!iSayHello offre supporto linguistico in 11 chiari campitematici:+ Giornaliero+ Arrivo / Dogana+ Saluti+ Generale+ Hotel/Soldi+ Acquisti+ Mangiare & Bere+ Flirt+ Emergenza+ Pagare+ CalcioiSayHello è l'integrazione ideale per giro turistico, qualsiasiguida turistica e cartina per il viaggio verso New York, LosAngeles, Washington, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon,Hawaii, Florida, Miami, Stati Uniti, Stati Uniti, Inghilterra, GranBretagna, Londra, Irlanda, Dublino, Galles, Schottland, Edimburgo,Manchester, Highlands e Cardiff.
iSayHello Portuguese - Polish 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired. iSayHello is the perfect addition to anytravel guide, sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Poland,Warsaw and the Polish Baltic.*****************As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, o dicionáriode viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline, com óptimaqualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de língua materna.Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Polônia, Varsóvia e do Bálticopolaco.
iSayHello Polish - English USA 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and city mapfor trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles,L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Floridaand Washington.*******************Polski:Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello,słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybieoffline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przeznative speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziemtłumaczącym.Właściwości iSayHello:+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, wtrybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnegonagrania językowego!+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można jeodgrać!+ bardzo prosta obsługa!+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich iprostych zdań!i SayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnikaturystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad Yellowstone,USA, Ameryka, Nowy Jork, Los Angeles, L.A., Wielki Kanion, LasVegas, San Francisco, Kalifornia, Floryda i Waszyngton.
iSayHello Spanish - Japanese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Japan, Tokyo, Nikko,Kyoto, Mount Fuji and Okinawa.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Japón, Tokio, Nikko,Kioto, el monte Fuji y Okinawa.
iSayHello English - French 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!i SayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Footballi Say Hello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to France, Paris,Lyon, Marseille, Brittany, French Riviera, Nice, the Louvre,Champagne and the Atlantic.
iSayHello Polish - Russian 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Russia, Moscow, St.Petersburg, Trans-Siberian Railway, Lake Baikal and Volga.*****************Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello,słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybieoffline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przeznative speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziemtłumaczącym.Spontaniczny flirt na urlopie czy utracona walizka – takieprzeżycia wprawiają często w oniemienie. Każdemu, kto chciałby wtakich sytuacjach raczej pozostać za luzie i bać gotowym na rozmowęmówiący słownik podróżny oferuje nową wolność słowa!iSayHello wspiera Państwa wypowiadanymi przez native speakerówwyrażeniami nie tylko podczas nauki poprawnej wymowy – intuitywnaobsługa, przejrzysty podział na 11 kompaktowych lekcji orazmożliwość polecenia smartphone wypowiedzenia się za Państwoułatwiają Państwu porozumiewanie się za granicą.iSayHello zostało dodatkowo wyposażone w narzędzie tłumaczące wtrybie online, bazujące na Tłumaczu Google. Poprzez to pojedynczewyrazy oraz całe zdania dają się szybko i wygodnie przetłumaczyć najęzyk aplikacji. Karta dań lub znak drogowy w języku lokalnym?Teraz nie stanowi to już problemu!Tłumaczenia mogą zostać wysłane także bezpośrednio pocztąelektroniczną!Właściwości iSayHello:+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, wtrybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnegonagrania językowego!+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można jeodgrać!+ bardzo prosta obsługa!+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich iprostych zdań!iSayHello oferuje wiedzę językową z 11 przejrzystychtematów:+ Rzeczy codzienne+ Przyjazd/cło+ Pozdrowienia+ Rzeczy ogólne+ Hotel/pieniądze+ Zakupy+ Jedzenie & Picie+ Flirt+ Nagły wypadek+ Liczby+ Piłka nożnai SayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnikaturystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad Rosja,Moskwa, St. Petersburg, Kolej trassyberykska, jez. Bajkał iWołga.
iSayHello French - Brazilian 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.
iSayHello Japanese - Spanish 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide, sightseeingtour and city map for trips to Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico,Cancun, Mallorca, Dominican Republic , Cuba, Carribean and CanaryIslands.*******************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!iSayHelloはガイドブックや旅先の地図を補ってくれる頼もしい旅のお供です。(旅行先)へ スペイン, マドリード, バルセロナ, メキシコ, カンクン, マジョルカ島, ドミニカ共和国, キューバ, カリブ海,アンダルシア, グラナダ, カナリア諸島 そして コルドバ.
Polish - Portuguese (Brazil) 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and city mapalso in addition to sightseeing for trips to Brazil, Rio deJaneiro, Brasilia, Amazon River, Copacabana, Sugarloaf Mountain,Sao Paolo and Iguaçu.*******************Polski:Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello,słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybieoffline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przeznative speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziemtłumaczącym.Właściwości iSayHello:+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, wtrybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnegonagrania językowego!+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można jeodgrać!+ bardzo prosta obsługa!+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich iprostych zdań!iSayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnikaturystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad Brazylia Riode Janerio Rio Brazylia Amazonka Copa cabana Głowa Cukru Sao PauloIguaçu (rzeka)
iSayHello Polish - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.*****************Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello,słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybieoffline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przeznative speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziemtłumaczącym.Spontaniczny flirt na urlopie czy utracona walizka – takieprzeżycia wprawiają często w oniemienie. Każdemu, kto chciałby wtakich sytuacjach raczej pozostać za luzie i bać gotowym na rozmowęmówiący słownik podróżny oferuje nową wolność słowa!iSayHello wspiera Państwa wypowiadanymi przez native speakerówwyrażeniami nie tylko podczas nauki poprawnej wymowy – intuitywnaobsługa, przejrzysty podział na 11 kompaktowych lekcji orazmożliwość polecenia smartphone wypowiedzenia się za Państwoułatwiają Państwu porozumiewanie się za granicą.iSayHello zostało dodatkowo wyposażone w narzędzie tłumaczące wtrybie online, bazujące na Tłumaczu Google. Poprzez to pojedynczewyrazy oraz całe zdania dają się szybko i wygodnie przetłumaczyć najęzyk aplikacji. Karta dań lub znak drogowy w języku lokalnym?Teraz nie stanowi to już problemu!Tłumaczenia mogą zostać wysłane także bezpośrednio pocztąelektroniczną!Właściwości iSayHello:+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, wtrybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnegonagrania językowego!+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można jeodgrać!+ bardzo prosta obsługa!+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich iprostych zdań!iSayHello oferuje wiedzę językową z 11 przejrzystychtematów:+ Rzeczy codzienne+ Przyjazd/cło+ Pozdrowienia+ Rzeczy ogólne+ Hotel/pieniądze+ Zakupy+ Jedzenie & Picie+ Flirt+ Nagły wypadek+ Liczby+ Piłka nożnaDalsze kursy językowe dostępne w App Store firmy Admovijako:+ Kurs hiszpańskiego+ Kurs angielskiego+ Kurs włoskiego+ Kurs francuskiego+ Kurs portugalskiego (Am. Łac./UE)+ Kurs polskiego+ Kurs niemieckiego+ Kurs rosyjskiego+ Kurs chińskiego+ Kurs japońskiegoza każdym razem w kombinacji z Państwa językiem ojczystym.i SayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnikaturystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad New York, LosAngeles, Waszyngtonie, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Wielki Kanion,Hawaje, Florida, Miami, USA, Stany Zjednoczone, Anglia, WielkaBrytania, Londyn, Irlandia, Dublin, Walia, Szkocja, Edynburg,Manchester, Highlands i Cardiff.iSayHello na na Twitterze: iSayHello: internetowa iSayHello:
iSayHello Communicator Free 1.2
With the iSayHello Communicator Translator youcan talk to your friends in their language, translate words andsentences which are recited by our cute little monsters and sendthe translations via email and message. On your vacation theoffline travel dictionary with perfect speech pronunciation canhelp you in any situations.The app at a glance:1. iSayHello Communicator features:- Simultaneous voice communication in two languages – onlinetranslation tool- Translates words, phrases and simple sentences into more than 50languages- Voice recognition for 29 languages and dialects– Send translations by mail, SMS or Twitter.- Post texts on Facebook2. iSayHello Travel Dictionary features:- Offline and thus independently usable - 11 lessons with themost important phrases for holidays or travel.- All texts are spoken by native speakers and can be played backdirectly.- The most popular and common phrases can be saved using theFavorites function – by using the Play function, the dictionary canalso be used as a language course.iSayHello provides language knowledge in 11 clearly laid-outthemes:+ Daily life+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food & Drink+ Flirt+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballOffline travel dictionary, available languages:Spanish, Italian, English (UK), English (US), French, Portuguese(EU), Portuguese (Brazil), Polish, German, Russian, Chinese,Japanese and Bavarian.
iSayHello German/Bavarian free 3.1.1
Whether at the Oktoberfest in Munich in Germany, or in one ofthebeautiful guesthouses found in the surrounding Bavarianmountainlandscape, this application will help you find the rightwords atthe right time. Here you’ll find amusing translations oftypicalterms, translated and recorded for you by our very ownBavarianlocals. iSayHello is your travel guide for Bavaria inGermenyiSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holidayortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to beplayedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites”functionso that they’re always in sight!Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lostsuitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to beinglost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all ofthose whowould like to continue speaking in such situations thefreedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you howtocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professionalnativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out andbroken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play outthesentences on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or Android smartphone,thusmaking communication abroad much easier.iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laidoutthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Football
English - Portuguese (Brazil) 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!i SayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Footballi Say Hello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to France, Paris,Lyon, Marseille, Brittany, French Riviera, Nice, the Louvre,Champagne and the Atlantic.
Portuguese (Brazil) - Japanese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to Japan, Tokyo,Nikko, Kyoto, Mount Fuji and Okinawa.As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Japão, Tóquio, Nikko, Quioto,Fuji-san (Monte Fuji) y Okinawa.
Portuguese (Brazil) - Russian 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to Russia, Moscow,St. Petersburg, Trans-Siberian Railway, Lake Baikal and Volga.******************As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, o dicionáriode viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline, com óptimaqualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de língua materna.Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Rússia, Moscovo, São Petersburgo,Linha ferroviária transiberiana, Lago Baikal y Volga.
Portuguese (Brazil) - Italian 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to Italy, Rome,Venice, Tuscany, Lake Garda, Sicily, Sardinia, the Adriatic andRimini.As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Itália, Roma, Veneza, Toscânia,Lago de Garda, Sicília, Sardenha, Adria y Rimini.
Portuguese (Brazil) - Polish 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Polônia, Varsóvia e polonês do MarBáltico.
Portuguese - Spanisch 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico, Cancun,Mallorca, Dominican Republic , Cuba, Carribean and CanaryIslands.***************As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Espanha, Madrid, Barcelona,México, Cancún, Maiorca, República dominicana, Cuba, Caraíbas yIlhas Canárias.
Portuguese (Bra) - English US 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles,L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Floridaand Washington.*******************Português (Brasil):As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Yellowstone, USA, América, NovaIorque, Los Angeles, L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, São Francisco,Califórnia, Flórida y Washington.
Portuguese (Brazil) - German 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to Germany, Berlin,Munich, Dresden, the Alps and Bavaria.As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, o dicionáriode viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline, com óptimaqualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de língua materna.Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para Alemanha, Berlim, Munique ,Dresda, Alpes y Baviera.
Portuguese (Brazil) - French 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap also in addition to sightseeing for trips to France, Paris,Lyon, Marseille, Brittany, French Riviera, Nice, the Louvre,Champagne and the Atlantic.As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para França, Paris, Lyon, Marseille,Bretanha, Costa Azul, Nice, Louvre, Champagne, Atlântico yCórsega.
iSayHello Italian - French 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to France, Paris, Brittany,French Riviera, Nice, the Louvre, Champagne and the Atlantic.**************La parola giusta sempre al momento giusto con iSayHello, ilvocabolario da viaggio e il trainer vocale con un eccellenteriproduzione audio, utilizzabile offline e pronunciatoprofessionalmente da madrelingua. Adesso inclusivo del tool ditraduzioni aggiuntivo.Uno spontaneo flirt in vacanza o un bagaglio perso – questecircostanze spesso vi lasciano spesso senza parole. Il vocabolarioda viaggio parlante offre nuova libertà di parola a coloro chedesiderano rimanere tranquilli in tali situazioni e non rimanere acorto di parole.iSayHello con le espressioni pronunciate da madrelingua aiutanon soltanto nell’imparare la corretta pronuncia – la gestioneintuitiva e la chiara suddivisione in 11 compatte lezioni, oltrealla possibilità di far parlare per voi smartphone, fa sí cheriusciate a farvi capire all’estero.Inoltre iSayHello é stato dotato di un tool di traduzione onlineche si basa su Google Translate. In questo modo si possonovelocemente e tradurre singole parole o intere frasi comodamente.Un menù o un cartello stradale nella lingua del luogo? Adesso nonc’è più alcun problema.Le traduzioni possono anche essere inviate direttamente per SMSo e-mail!Le caratteristiche di iSayHello:+ 11 lezioni con le più importanti espressioni per le vacanze eper il viaggio, utilizzabile offline e quindiindipendentemente!+ la più alta qualitá e professionalità con una riproduzionelinguistica natuale!+ tutti i testi vengono pronunciati da madrelingua e possono essereriprodotti!+ semplice utilizzazione da parte dell’utente!+ le frasi più utilizzate sempre a portata di mano con la funzione„favoriti“!+ Tool di traduzione aggiuntivo per frasi brevi e semplici!iSayHello offre supporto linguistico in 11 chiari campitematici:+ Giornaliero+ Arrivo / Dogana+ Saluti+ Generale+ Hotel/Soldi+ Acquisti+ Mangiare & Bere+ Flirt+ Emergenza+ Pagare+ CalcioiSayHello è l'integrazione ideale per giro turistico, qualsiasiguida turistica e cartina per il viaggio verso Francia, Parigi,Bretagna, Costa Azzurra, Nizza, Louvre, Champagne, Castelli dellaLoira, Atlantico e Corsica.
iSayHello Polish - Japanese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.*****************Zawsze właściwe słowa we właściwym momencie – z iSayHello,słownikiem podróżnym i trenerem językowym (także do użycia w trybieoffline) ze świetnym dźwiękiem i profesjonalnie wypowiadanymi przeznative speakerów wyrażeniami. Teraz dodatkowo z narzędziemtłumaczącym.Spontaniczny flirt na urlopie czy utracona walizka – takieprzeżycia wprawiają często w oniemienie. Każdemu, kto chciałby wtakich sytuacjach raczej pozostać za luzie i bać gotowym na rozmowęmówiący słownik podróżny oferuje nową wolność słowa!iSayHello wspiera Państwa wypowiadanymi przez native speakerówwyrażeniami nie tylko podczas nauki poprawnej wymowy – intuitywnaobsługa, przejrzysty podział na 11 kompaktowych lekcji orazmożliwość polecenia smartphone wypowiedzenia się za Państwoułatwiają Państwu porozumiewanie się za granicą.iSayHello zostało dodatkowo wyposażone w narzędzie tłumaczące wtrybie online, bazujące na Tłumaczu Google. Poprzez to pojedynczewyrazy oraz całe zdania dają się szybko i wygodnie przetłumaczyć najęzyk aplikacji. Karta dań lub znak drogowy w języku lokalnym?Teraz nie stanowi to już problemu!Tłumaczenia mogą zostać wysłane także bezpośrednio pocztąelektroniczną!Właściwości iSayHello:+ 11 lekcji z najważniejszymi zwrotami na urlopie i w podróży, wtrybie offline i poprzez to do użycia niezależnie!+ najwyższe wymogi odnośnie jakości i profesjonalizmu naturalnegonagrania językowego!+ wszystkie teksty są wymawiane przez native speakerów i można jeodgrać!+ bardzo prosta obsługa!+ ulubione frazy z funkcją Ulubione zawsze na jeden rzut oka!+ Dodatkowe narzędzie tłumaczące w trybie online do krótkich iprostych zdań!iSayHello oferuje wiedzę językową z 11 przejrzystychtematów:+ Rzeczy codzienne+ Przyjazd/cło+ Pozdrowienia+ Rzeczy ogólne+ Hotel/pieniądze+ Zakupy+ Jedzenie & Picie+ Flirt+ Nagły wypadek+ Liczby+ Piłka nożnaDalsze kursy językowe dostępne w App Store firmy Admovijako:+ Kurs hiszpańskiego+ Kurs angielskiego+ Kurs włoskiego+ Kurs francuskiego+ Kurs portugalskiego (Am. Łac./UE)+ Kurs polskiego+ Kurs niemieckiego+ Kurs rosyjskiego+ Kurs chińskiego+ Kurs japońskiegoza każdym razem w kombinacji z Państwa językiem ojczystym.i SayHello jest idealnym uzupełnieniem każdego przewodnikaturystycznego jak również planu miasta do wyjazdu nad Japonia,Tokio, Nikko, Kioto, Fudżi i Prefektura Okinawa.iSayHello na na Twitterze: iSayHello: internetowa iSayHello:
iSayHello Chinese - Spanish 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to sightseeing, to any travelguide and city map for trips to Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico,Cancun, Mallorca, Dominican Republic , Cuba, Carribean and CanaryIslands.**************适当的时间,总有适当的话 - 使用音频质量优异的旅游词典和语言教练机iSayHello,可离线使用:音频全由母语讲者整备专业朗读。现更加入额外的翻译工具。旅行中突如其来的打情骂俏或遗失行李 –那种体验往往令人欲语无言。此时此地,要酷又要畅所欲言,会讲话的旅游词典提供新一款的言论自由!iSayHello 有支援你的词句,由母语讲者朗读,不单能学习准确发音 – 还有轻而易举的操作,11堂紧凑的课,让smartphone 代言的选项,使身居海外的交流易如反掌。此外,iSayHello 配备有以Google翻译为基础的线上翻译工具,因此从单字到整个句子都可以便捷地翻译成所需的语言。用当地语言书写的餐厅菜单或者交通讯号?这些问题都迎韧而解!翻译也可以直接用电邮发送!iSayHello的特色:+ 11 课,备有渡假和旅游最重要的语句,离线,因此更能独立使用!+ 达到自然语言音频最高质量和专业水准的要求!+ 课文全由母语讲者朗读,还能播放呢!+ 简易的用户指南!+ 至爱短语,附一目了然的至爱功能!+ 附加简短句子的线上翻译工具!iSayHello 提供11 明确题目的语言知识:+ 日常物事+ 抵达/海关+ 问候语+ 一般+ 酒店/外币兑换+ 购物+ 饮食+ 调情+ 紧急情况+ 数字+ 足球Admovi 的App Store 提供更多的语言课程:+ 西班牙语课程+ 英语课程+ 意大利语课程+ 法语课程+ 葡萄牙语课程 (拉丁美洲/欧盟)+ 波兰语课程+ 德语课程+ 俄语课程+ 中文课程+ 日本语课程全与你的母语配合。iSayHello 是前往 西班牙, 马德里, 巴塞罗那, 墨西哥, 坎昆, 马略卡到, 多明尼加共和国, 古巴, 加勒比地区和 加那里群岛 的旅游指南及城市地图的理想辅助物 上的iSayHelloTwitter上的 iSayHello:博客: 主页:
iSayHello Italian - Japanese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Japan, Tokyo, Nikko,Kyoto, Mount Fuji and Okinawa.**************La parola giusta sempre al momento giusto con iSayHello, ilvocabolario da viaggio e il trainer vocale con un eccellenteriproduzione audio, utilizzabile offline e pronunciatoprofessionalmente da madrelingua. Adesso inclusivo del tool ditraduzioni aggiuntivo.Uno spontaneo flirt in vacanza o un bagaglio perso – questecircostanze spesso vi lasciano spesso senza parole. Il vocabolarioda viaggio parlante offre nuova libertà di parola a coloro chedesiderano rimanere tranquilli in tali situazioni e non rimanere acorto di parole.iSayHello con le espressioni pronunciate da madrelingua aiutanon soltanto nell’imparare la corretta pronuncia – la gestioneintuitiva e la chiara suddivisione in 11 compatte lezioni, oltrealla possibilità di far parlare per voi smartphone, fa sí cheriusciate a farvi capire all’estero.Inoltre iSayHello é stato dotato di un tool di traduzione onlineche si basa su Google Translate. In questo modo si possonovelocemente e tradurre singole parole o intere frasi comodamente.Un menù o un cartello stradale nella lingua del luogo? Adesso nonc’è più alcun problema.Le traduzioni possono anche essere inviate direttamente per SMSo e-mail!Le caratteristiche di iSayHello:+ 11 lezioni con le più importanti espressioni per le vacanze eper il viaggio, utilizzabile offline e quindiindipendentemente!+ la più alta qualitá e professionalità con una riproduzionelinguistica natuale!+ tutti i testi vengono pronunciati da madrelingua e possono essereriprodotti!+ semplice utilizzazione da parte dell’utente!+ le frasi più utilizzate sempre a portata di mano con la funzione„favoriti“!+ Tool di traduzione aggiuntivo per frasi brevi e semplici!iSayHello offre supporto linguistico in 11 chiari campitematici:+ Giornaliero+ Arrivo / Dogana+ Saluti+ Generale+ Hotel/Soldi+ Acquisti+ Mangiare & Bere+ Flirt+ Emergenza+ Pagare+ CalcioiSayHello è l'integrazione ideale per giro turistico, qualsiasiguida turistica e cartina per il viaggio verso Giappone, Tokio,Nikko, Kyoto, Fujiama e Okinawa.
iSayHello German - Portuguese 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Football
iSayHello Spanish - German 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Germany, Berlin, Munich,Dresden, the Alps and Bavaria.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Alemania, Berlín, Múnich,Dresde, los Alpes y Baviera.
Portuguese (EU) - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to New York, Los Angeles, Washington, San Francisco,Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Florida, Miami, USA, UnitedStates, England, Great Britain, London, Irland, Dublin, Wales,Schottland, Edinburgh, Manchester, Highlands and Cardiff.**************As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, odicionário de viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline,com óptima qualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de línguamaterna. Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para New York, Los Angeles, Washington,San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Flórida, Miami,EUA, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Grã-Bretanha, Londres, Irlanda,Dublin, País de Gales, Schottland, Edimburgo, Manchester, Cardiff eHighlands.
iSayHello Japanese - Chinese 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide, sightseeingtour and city map for trips to Beijing, China, Shanghai, Hong Kongand Yangtze River.
iSayHello Russian - English US 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles,L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Floridaand Washington.*******************Русский:Всегда правильные слова в нужный момент с iSayHello, словарьпутешественника и языковой тренер с великолепными аудиофайлами,профессионально записанными носителями языка, возможностьиспользования в offline. Теперь с дополнительной функциейпереводаФункции iSayHello:+ 11 лекций, включающих в себя важнейшие выражения для отпуска ипутешествий; возможность режима offline и поэтому независимость виспользовании!+ высочайшие требования к качеству и профессионализмуаудиозаписей!+ все тексты записаны носителями языка и могут бытьпрослушаны!+ простейшее руководство пользователя!+ благодаря функции «Фавориты», часто используемые фразы всегдалегко доступны!+ дополнительная функция online-перевода для коротких и простыхпредложений!SayHello – это идеальное дополнение ко всем путеводителям икартам для путешествий в Йеллоустон, США, Америка, Нью-Йорк,Лос-Анджелес, L.A., Большой Каньон, Гранд-Каньон, Лас-Вегас,Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, Флорида и Вашингтон.
iSayHello English - Japanese 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!i SayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Footballi Say Hello is the perfect addition to sightseeing, to anytravel guide and city map for trips to Japan, Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto,Mount Fuji and Okinawa.
iSayHello Spanish - Italian 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Italy, Rome, Venice,Tuscany, Lake Garda, Sicily, Sardinia, the Adriatic and Rimini.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Italia, Roma, Venecia,Tuscanía, el Lago de Garda, Sicilia, Sardinia, el mar Adriático ,Florencia y Rimini.
iSayHello Spanish - French 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to France, Paris, Brittany,French Riviera, Nice, the Louvre, Champagne and the Atlantic.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuadocon iSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Francia, Paris, LaBretaña, La Costa Azul, Niza, el Louvre, La Champagne, El Atlánticoy Corsega.
English US - Portuguese Brazil 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook, translater and language courseEnglish - Brazilian that doesn’t just have a great audio output butcan also be used offline and has been professionally recorded bynative speakers. Moreover it is now equipped with an onlinetranslation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Copacabana, SaoPaolo and Iguaçu.
Japanese - English (USA) 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles,L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Floridaand Washington.*******************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!iSayHelloはガイドブックや旅先の地図を補ってくれる頼もしい旅のお供です。(旅行先)へ イエローストーン, アメリカ合衆国, アメリカ, ニューヨーク, ロスアンゼルス, ロス, グランドキャニオン,ラスベガス, サンフランシスコ, カリフォルニア, フロリダ そして ワシントン.
iSayHello Japanese - English 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballOther language courses are available at Admovi’s App Store:+ Spanish+ English+ Italian+ French+ Portuguese (European/Brazilian)+ Polish+ German+ Russian+ Chinese+ JapaneseEach combined with your native tongue.iSayHello on Facebook: on Twitter:’s Blog’s Homepage:**************************************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!iSayHelloはガイドブックや旅先の地図を補ってくれる頼もしい旅のお供です。(旅行先)へニューヨーク、ロサンゼルス、ワシントン、サンフランシスコ、ラスベガス、グランドキャニオン、ハワイ、フロリダ州、マイアミ、アメリカ、米国、英国、グレートブリテン、ロンドン、アイルランド、ダブリン、ウェールズ、スコットランド、エジンバラ、マンチェスター、ハイランドとカーディフ。
iSayHello Portuguese - French 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide, sightseeingtour and city map for trips to France, Paris, Brittany, FrenchRiviera, Nice, the Louvre, Champagne and the Atlantic.*****************As palavras certas no momento certo - com iSayHello, o dicionáriode viagem e método de aprendizagem utilizável offline, com óptimaqualidade de som, pronunciado por falantes de língua materna.Incluindo agora uma ferramenta de tradução adicional.Um flirt espontâneo durante as férias ou uma mala perdida – taisexperiências pode levar uma pessoa a ficar sem palavras. Para todosos que, em tais situações, preferem manter a calma e encontrar aspalavras certas, este dicionário de viagem sonoro garante uma novaliberdade de expressão!A iSayHello apoia-o/a com as suas expressões pronunciadas porfalantes de língua materna. E isso não apenas na aprendizagem dapronúncia correcta: a utilização intuitiva, a clara divisão em 11lições compactas, bem como a possibilidade de pôr o smartphone afalar por si, facilita a comunicação no exterior.Além disso, iSayHello foi equipado com uma ferramenta detradução online baseado no Google Translate. Isto permite atradução rápida e fácil de palavras e frases específicas para alíngua da aplicação. Um menu ou um sinal de trânsito na língualocal? Tudo isso deixa de ser um problema.As traduções podem igualmente ser-lhe emitidas diretamente peloemail!As características do iSayHello:+ 11 lições com frases-chave para as suas férias ou viagens,utilizável offline e portanto de forma totalmenteindependente!+ máximas exigências em termos de qualidade e profissionalismo davoz natural!+ todos os textos são pronunciados por falantes nativos e podem serouvidos!+ interface super simples!+ as frases mais populares sempre à mão graças à função defavoritos!+ ferramenta adicional de tradução online de frases curtas esimples!iSayHello oferece conhecimentos linguísticos sobre 11 temas:+ Vida quotidiana+ Chegada / Alfândega+ Cumprimentos+ Generalidades+ Hotel/ Dinheiro+ Compras+ Comidas & bebidas+ Flirt+ Urgências+ Números+ FuteboliSayHello é o complemento ideal para qualquer guia de viagem emapa de cidade para viagens para França, Paris, Bretanha, CostaAzul, Nice, Louvre, Champagne, Atlântico y Córsega.
Spanish - Portuguese (Brazil) 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Amazon River,Copacabana, Sugarloaf Mountain, Sao Paolo and Iguaçu.***************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuadocon iSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para culaquier guia de viajesy mapa de ciudad para viajes a Brasil Rio de Janeiro Rio Brasiliael Amazonas La Copacabana el Pan de Azúcar Sao Paolo Iguazú
iSayHello Spanish - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Nueva York, Los Ángeles,Washington, San Francisco, Las Vegas, el Gran Cañón, Hawai,Florida, Miami, EE.UU., Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Gran Bretaña,Londres, Irlanda, Dublín, Gales, Escocia, Edimburgo, Manchester,Cardiff y Tierras Altas
iSayHello Spanish - Portuguese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Portugal, Lisbon, Faro,Algarve, Porto, Madeira and the Azores.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Portugal, Lisboa, Faro, elAlgarve, Porto, Niza y Las Azores.
iSayHello French - Spanish 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.iSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide,sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Spain, Madrid,Barcelona, Mexico, Cancun, Mallorca, Dominican Republic , Cuba,Carribean and Canary Islands.*****************Toujours les mots corrects au bon moment – avec iSayHello, ledictionnaire de voyage et entraineur linguistique en édition audioexcellente, utilisable offline et parlé par des locuteursprofessionnels natifs. Maintenant avec élément traducteurintégré.Un flirt de vacances spontanées, ou la perte d’une valise, cegenre d’expérience nous laisse souvent à court de mots. Chacun quien de telles situations reste calme et prêt à parler profite de lanouvelle liberté de la parole avec le dictionnaire de voyageparlant.iSayHello vous soutient avec les locutions prononcées par deslocuteurs natifs, non seulement pour l’apprentissage de laprononciation correcte mais aussi pour l’utilisation intuitive, larépartition claire en 11 leçons compactes ainsi que pour lapossibilité de faire parler le Smartphone pour vous – cela facilitela compréhension à l’étranger.En supplément le iSayHello a été équipé avec un élément onlinede traduction sur la base de Google Translate. Grâce à cela desmots séparés mais aussi des phrases entières peuvent être traduitesrapidement et en tout confort dans la langue des Apps. Une carte derestaurant ou un panneau de circulation dans la langue du pays –maintenant plus un problème.Les traductions peuvent être envoyées aussi directement avec SMSet l'émail !iSayHello - les caractéristiques:+ 11 cours avec les locutions les plus courantes pour lesvacances et en voyage en offline et grâce à cela utilisables entoute indépendance!+ Une voix naturelle, le nec plus ultra de la qualité et duprofessionnalisme!+ Tous les textes sont parlés par des natifs et peuvent être édités!+ Vous serez guidé sans efforts par des instructions simples.+ Les phrases les plus courantes avec une fonction de favoriresteront à portée de vos yeux !+ En supplément l’élément de traduction pour des phrases simples etcourtes !iSayHello vous apporte un savoir linguistique en onze leçonsclaires:+ le vocabulaire courant+ àrivee / à la douane+ accueil+ conversation générale+ à l’hôtel / les questions d’argent+ achats+ boire et manger+ flirter+ urgence+ les nombres+ le footballi Say Hello est l'ajout parfait à n'importe quel guide devoyage, visite de la ville et de la carte pour des voyages àEspagne, Madrid, Barcelone, Mexique, Cancun, Majorque, republiquedominicaine, Cuba, Caraïbes et Iles canaries.
iSayHello Russian - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.*****************Всегда правильные слова в нужный момент с iSayHello, словарьпутешественника и языковой тренер с великолепными аудиофайлами,профессионально записанными носителями языка, возможностьиспользования в offline. Теперь с дополнительной функциейпереводаФункции iSayHello:+ 11 лекций, включающих в себя важнейшие выражения для отпуска ипутешествий; возможность режима offline и поэтому независимость виспользовании!+ высочайшие требования к качеству и профессионализмуаудиозаписей!+ все тексты записаны носителями языка и могут бытьпрослушаны!+ простейшее руководство пользователя!+ благодаря функции «Фавориты», часто используемые фразы всегдалегко доступны!+ дополнительная функция online-перевода для коротких и простыхпредложений!iSayHello предоставляет информацию по 11 темам:+ Быт+ Прибытие / Таможня+ Приветствие+ Общее+ Отель / Деньги+ Покупки+ Еда & Напитки+ Флирт+ Чрезвычайные ситуации+ Платежи+ ФутболSayHello – это идеальное дополнение ко всем путеводителям икартам для путешествий в Нью-Йорк, Лос-Анджелесе, Вашингтоне,Сан-Франциско, Лас-Вегас, Гранд Каньон, Гавайи, Флорида, Майами,США, Соединенные Штаты, Англия, Великобритания, Лондон, Ирландия,Дублин, Уэльс, Эдинбурге, Манчестере, Кардиффе и нагорья.
English USA - Japanese 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook, translator and language coursethat doesn’t just have a great audio output but can also be usedoffline and has been professionally recorded by native speakers.Moreover it is now equipped with Google’s online translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Japan, Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto, Mount Fuji andOkinawa.
iSayHello Japanese - French 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide, sightseeingtour and city map for trips to France, Paris, Brittany, FrenchRiviera, Nice, the Louvre, Champagne and the Atlantic.**************************************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!iSayHelloはガイドブックや旅先の地図を補ってくれる頼もしい旅のお供です。(旅行先)へ フランス, パリ, ブルターニュ, コートダジュール, ニース, ルーブル, シャンパーニュ, 大西洋,カルカッソンヌ, ボルドー, リヨン, アルザス, ロレーヌ そして コルシカ.
iSayHello Japanese - Polish 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Football*******************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!ポーランド、ワルシャワ、ポーランドのバルト海 .
iSayHello Spanish - Chinese 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired. iSayHello is the perfect addition to anytravel guide, sightseeing tour and city map for trips to Beijing,China, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Yangtze River.*****************Tenga al alcance las palabras adecuadas en el momento adecuado coniSayHello, el guía de conversación y curso de lengua de calidadauditiva excelente. La aplicación se puede usar offline, todas lasfrases han sido grabadas por locutores nativos y ya está equipadacon una herramienta de traducción.Un ligón espontáneo en la playa, una maleta perdida en elaeropuerto - a veces durante tales situaciones le faltan a uno laspalabras.¡El diccionario de viaje de iSayHello le permite a todosde permanecer confidente y seguir con la conversación!iSayHello no solo le enseña a pronunciar correctamente lasfrases profesionalmente pronunciadas por locutores nativos, sinoque se trata de un guía que es fácil de navegar y compactado en 11lecciones. iSayHello le permite también reproducir fácilmente lasfrases en su Smartphone Android, facilitando así la comprensión enel extranjero.Además, iSayHello está equipado con Google Translate, unaherramienta de traducción. Esto le permite una traducción fácil yrápida de palabras e incluso frases completas en la lengua de laaplicación. ¿No entiende el menú del día o necesita la traducciónde la señal de tráfico? ¡No hay problema!Se puede recibir las traducciones por correo electrónico oSMS.Las características de iSayHello:+ 11 lecciones compuestas de las frases más importantes para susvacaciones o su viaje!+ Una calidad del más alto nivel y una calidad auditivaprofesional.+ Todos los textos están pronunciados por locutores nativos+ Fácil de navegar+ La opción de añadir sus frases favoritas a través de la función“favorito” para que estén siempre a su alcance.+ Una herramienta de traducción de frases fáciles y cortas.iSayHello ofrece conocimiento lingüístico en 11 ámbitos bienestructurados:+Situaciones cotidianas+ Llegadas/Aduana+ Saludos+ Situaciones generales+ Hotel/Dinero+ De compras+ Comidas y bebidas+ Flirteos+ Emergencias+ Números+ FútboliSayHello es el complemento ideal para turismo, culaquier guiade viajes y mapa de ciudad para viajes a Pekín, China, Shangai,Hong Kong y El río Yiangtsé.
iSayHello English - Portuguese 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!i SayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ Footballi Say Hello is the perfect addition to sightseeing, to anytravel guide and city map for trips to Portugal, Lisbon, Faro,Algarve, Porto, Madeira and the Azores.
iSayHello French - English/USA 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide and citymap for trips to Yellowstone, USA, America, New York, Los Angeles,L.A., Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Califonia, Floridaand Washington.*******************Français:Toujours les mots corrects au bon moment – avec iSayHello, ledictionnaire de voyage et entraineur linguistique en édition audioexcellente, utilisable offline et parlé par des locuteursprofessionnels natifs. Maintenant avec élément traducteurintégré.iSayHello - les caractéristiques:+ 11 cours avec les locutions les plus courantes pour lesvacances et en voyage en offline et grâce à cela utilisables entoute indépendance!+ Une voix naturelle, le nec plus ultra de la qualité et duprofessionnalisme!+ Tous les textes sont parlés par des natifs et peuvent êtreédités !+ Vous serez guidé sans efforts par des instructions simples.+ Les phrases les plus courantes avec une fonction de favoriresteront à portée de vos yeux !+ En supplément l’élément de traduction pour des phrases simples etcourtes!iSayHello est l'ajout parfait à n'importe quel guide de voyageet carte de la ville aussi, en plus de sites touristiques pour desvoyages àYellowstone, USA, Amérique, New York, Los Angeles, L.A.,Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Californie, Floride etWashington.
iSayHello French - English 3.0
Whether you’re travelling or on vacation,you’ll be able to express yourself with this travel dictionary.Learn key phrases for topics such as Arriving, Food, Restaurants,Hotels, Money, Bargaining, Soccer and Flirting with this languagecourse. All words are offline, spoken by native speakers, and canbe sorted as desired.
iSayHello Japanese - German 3.0
Find the right words at the right moment withiSayHello, the travel phrasebook and language course that doesn’tjust have a great audio output but can also be used offline and hasbeen professionally recorded by native speakers. Moreover it is nowequipped with Google’s translation tool.Whether it be a spontaneous flirt on holiday or a lost suitcaseat the airport, such experiences can often lead to being lost forwords. The iSayHello travel dictionary offers to all of those whowould like to continue speaking in such situations the freedom todo so!iSayHello does not just support you by teaching you how tocorrectly pronounce the sentences spoken by our professional nativespeakers; it is easy to handle, is clearly laid out and broken upinto 11 different themes. It also enables you to play out thesentences on your Android smartphone, thus making communicationabroad much easier.What’s more, iSayHello is now equipped with an onlinetranslating tool provided by Google Translate. This gives you theability to have single words and even whole sentences in thelanguage of the application translated for you. So if you do notunderstand the menu or need a traffic sign translated, nothing istoo difficult.The translations can also be sent to you directly by SMS oremail!iSayHello’s features:+ 11 lessons with the most important phrases for your holiday ortrip, offline and therefore able to be used independently!+ Highest standard in quality and professional audio output+ Every text is spoken by native speakers and is able to be playedout+ Easy to navigate+ Your favourite phrases can be added to the “favourites” functionso that they’re always in sight!+ An additional online translation tool for short and simplesentences!iSayHello offers linguistic knowledge in 11 clearly laid outthemes:+ Every day situations+ Arrival/Customs+ Greetings+ Smalltalk+ Hotel/Money+ Shopping+ Food and Drink+ Flirting+ Emergencies+ Numbers+ FootballiSayHello is the perfect addition to any travel guide, sightseeingtour and city map for trips to Germany, Berlin, Munich, Dresden,the Alps and Bavaria.**************************************日本語:どんな時でもとっさの一言を素早く教えてくれるiSayHelloは、海外旅行用フレーズブックとしても、語学トレーナーとしても最適。ネイティブの発音付きで、オフラインでも利用可能。今なら、お得な翻訳ツール付き。iSayHelloの特徴:+海外でのバケーションや旅行で役立つ11のレッスンは、オフラインで御利用可能なネットいらず!+質の高さと専門性に富んだオーディオ付きフレーズブック!+全ての文章はネイティブの発音付き。発声機能を使えば、あなたに代わって代弁!+遊びながら簡単に使い方をマスター!+使えるフレーズは、お気に入り機能で一目瞭然。+短い簡単な文章には、オンライン翻訳ツールがお勧め!iSayHelloはガイドブックや旅先の地図を補ってくれる頼もしい旅のお供です。ドイツ、スイス、オーストリア、ルクセンブルク、リヒテンシュタイン、ベルリン、ドレスデン、ハンブルク、ウィーン、ベルン、チューリッヒ、バイエルン、ボルツァーノ、アルペンでの観光にも役に立ちます。